"There is no Oscar for animal actors but perhaps there should be."
Dallas Morning News

"Benji is able to sulk, skulk, peek, pause, do double-takes, worry, frown, scowl and glint in sly triumph. He is so wordlessly articulate that he should do a film without any two-footed creatures at all trying to steal scenes from that small and extraordinary dog with the soulful eyes."
Los Angeles Times

"Benji's uncanny ability to project emotions definitely makes him the Laurence Olivier of the dog world!"
New York Daily News

"Benji has def initely joined the ranks of all the human superstars with his acting performance."
Family Weekly

"Benji has the most expressive eyes in dogdom; he can make himself look more lost than any dog you've ever wanted to take home."
Miami News

"Benji isn't a dog performing, but a dog acting, capturing rare feeling and almost human response."

"The most appealing short movie star since Dustin Hoffman."

"Benji is a throwback to the great stars of the silents, truly Chaplinesque in his emotional responses."
Memphis Commercial Appeal

"Benji has the most expressive face in dogdom"
Milwaukee Journal

"I'm ready to admit Benji would be a sure bet were an Academy Award ever offered in the canine division. His ability to sustain a mood in the face of manifold distractions is especially remarkable."
Baltimore Sun

"The amazing thing is that Benji's scruffy face seems capable of expressing any emotion you can think of."
Christian Science Monitor

"Benji is brilliant - and unbelievable."
United Press

"Benji is truly remarkable."
Hollywood Reporter


Benji™ and Joe Camp's Benjiare registered trademarks of Mulberry Square Productions,
This Site Copyright ©2009 Mulberry Square Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Benji films and products Copyright Mulbrry Square Productions, Inc




Movie Memories

Benji Gets a New Baby... Horse

Behind the Scenes
Benji Off the Leash

Parents Speak Out

The Original Benji
Movie Trailer

Benji Off the Leash

Movie Clip
Food for the Worms

Movie Clip
Not Now!

Movie Clip
Benji Finally Gets It

Finding the Soul of a Horse