250 Homeless Pets Adopted in Two Days at No More Homeless Pet's Super Adoption Event in Salt Lake City
In five short years, Gregory Castle and his team have made Utah the number one state in the country for adoptions, adopting more homeless pets per capita than any other state in the nation. Benji and Joe appeared at their major fundraiser, did media interviews, and appeared at the super adoption event.

Photos by Troy Snow
Joe speaks to a fund raiser the night before the Super Adoption
Gregory Castle, Benji, and Joe at the Super Adoption event

Benji meets a BIG friend at the fundraiser party

Benji watches the Super Adoption from the safety of Joe's arms

Photographer, Troy Snow, asked why Benji seemed so meloncholy in this candid moment at the Super Adoption. Joe believes that seeing and hearing so many homeless pets in one place (over 500) brought back unhappy memories.