

Read about Joe's Presentations to Parent and Teacher Groups.

Dear Friends:

This portion of the site is an exciting place for me. The raison d'etre, if you will, for Yes, we hope you'll check out enough movies, videos and books to put food on the table... but the opportunity to interface with parents and teachers who care about kids... the opportunity to bring and exchange of ideas and information on things positive, on new strategies in education; to perhaps actually make a difference in a child's life... well, that's what it's all about for me. I believe that effective education and motivation of our young people is the only real answer to the major problems troubling our country; the world, actually. The Teachers/Parents section will not be structured, as such, but will evolve based upon input. At least, that's my hope. I would also hope that it will deal with important issues and ideas. Like the concepts behind the reports on Schools That Excel a nd The Risks of TV. Both so simple and, at the same time, so difficult to execute. But so very important. These are concepts which focus on long-term results, which, of course, go against the grain of every external pressure manifested by today's society. Instant gratification is the mantra of the media. And it's usually the line of least resistance. But as we all know (and try to ignore too often), the easy way is isually not the best way. If you see an article or report that you feel can stimulate thought and make a difference, let us know about it. If you feel passionate about a concept, write to us, and with your permission, we may be able to publish it here. The email address for this material is: Check out the Wish Book section and download a story founded in positive values. Here there will always be a fun-to-read story that teaches a positive character trait, like honesty. Feel free to download or print out these stories for kids or use within the classroom. Kids can read or retrieve the same stories in the Kids Only section.

Thanks for coming, and for reading this far. I've been told I do go on, that my passion button spins out of control sometimes. Better that, I hope, than no passion at all. That's what we're about here at; hoping to join hands and make a difference in this crazy world. Jump on in. The rewards can be exhilarating.                                                  

Joe Camp 

Parent/Teacher Groups!
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The Risks of TV ] Schools That Excel ] Student Projects ] Piney Woods School ] A Teacher Speaks ] TV Violence and Kids ] A Parent Speaks ] Benji Wish Books ] Benji Promise Books ]